


As same as the most students, I also chose Baguio because of the weather. And actually Baguio’s weather is very comfortable for me.
The reason why I chose MONOL is that I heard MONOL was very strict EOP rule. I didn’t want to speak Japanese even among Japanese, so I decided to come to MONOL.
I took ESL and Intensive Speaking courses for 2 months. In my opinion, IS was very useful, because in ESL, I had to do too many home works. So I couldn’t review daily classes through my style. But after changing to the IS, I can do whatever I want during my free time. The problem is that classes in IS have less 3 hours than ESL. Actually, it depends on the person if English skill improved or not. Some may sleep or others may study harder.
All teachers are very good for me. I was able to enjoy all classes. They are very kind and considerate. I really like them. They are really friendly. Because of them, I was able to enjoy the life in MONOL. For me, they looked enjoying living every day.
Curfew time is very good for students to concentrate on studying. But I think it’s too strict, especially on weekdays. I think that it’s okay until 10 or 11pm. If a student doesn’t do our homework, teacher can give the penalty.
I’m almost satisfied with any institution. But sometimes there was the time I can’t connect Wi-Fi access. At that time, I had to contact with my mother it was not helpful. In addition, the use of laundry is not useful for me because if I pass my laundry, I can get them two days later.
In studying, when I took ESL course, I usually studied for 2 or 3 hours in a day because of too many home works. However after changing IS course, I usually studied 1 or 2 hours, but for me, IS course was better than ESL because I was able to review the classes during free time. Maybe as long as I take ESL course, I can’t study to review the classes because of many home works.


渡航先 フィリピン / バギオ
語学学校 Monol International Education Institute
期間 8週間